Starting a Journey with Jesus, Day 10 (Matthew 3:13-17)
No sooner did John promise One greater would come after him, the Messiah (Christ), than Jesus appears with a request that defied all expectations.
Then Jesus appeared at the Jordan River, arriving from Galilee, and he wanted to be baptized by John. John wanted to prevent it from happening and said, “I need to be baptized by you, and you’re coming to me?!”
Jesus answered, “Let it be this way. It perfectly fits within God’s will to fulfill all righteous requirements.” So John allowed it.
After being buried in the waters, Jesus immediately came up out of the water and the heavens opened up and he saw God’s Spirit descending and landing on him like a dove. A commanding voice from heaven spoke: “This is my precious, beloved Son. I am so happy with him!” (Matthew 3:13-17)
Jesus comes to John to be baptized. John recognizes Jesus as greater than him, holier than him and having no need (more…)