What is Worship in the Bible?
Worship was a big deal in the church I grew up in as a child. Our worship services were simple, not elaborate. There was no art on the walls, but…
Worship was a big deal in the church I grew up in as a child. Our worship services were simple, not elaborate. There was no art on the walls, but…
“A prayer of praise (tehillah), of David. I exalt You, God the King, and I will bless Your name forever and always!
My mouth will speak the songs of praise (tehillim) of Yahweh, and all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever.”
Psalm 145:1, 21
This prayer (Psalm 145) introduces and repeats the Hebrew word tehillah in its first and last verse. This word is not often used in the Bible, but it means “a prayer or song of praise”. It is also the Hebrew word used to name the entire book of Psalms, Tehillim. (more…)
Mark has written an amazing story about Jesus The story of Jesus is unique and attractive. For anyone who has only heard about Jesus from media or second-hand conversations in…
Psalms 33:20. The Passion Translation Is there something in your life you are struggling with right now? Is there an area where you are experiencing great discouragement or even defeat?…