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Who Gives You a Word of Prayer?

How to Walk in Our World

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,”This is the way; walk in it.”  Isaiah 30:21

A young baby, now a lively toddler, is inspiring this post today.  

Jon is just slightly two years old as I write this.

I plan to give his mom this card when I see her next.   

Good Things Take Time

I made this card almost 25 years ago. 

It never found a recipient and for the longest time, the card was blank. 

No words came.

Then today, just like that, Jon’s name and the bible verse for him came to me.

I have watched his small frame crawl and then in time,  wobble up the stairs.

Today, I share his pride and joy as he tackles going up and down the stairs without any fear.

A Faith Lesson: Come and See

Soon enough I’ll not see baby Jon on a regular basis anymore.

So what word can I give this young child?

Unlike the card which remained the same (blank) the last 25 years, this young child will grow.

My prayer blessing for him?

That when he is lost or in search of direction–like so many of us who call ourselves adults–he would follow the instruction from John 1:36.

Come and see.

The Right Walk Matters 


In a world where stress runs high, confusion is rampant and distractions are plenty, it’s easy to forget that there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. We all can access it anytime and at any moment.    

Take time to document, record, jot down the goodness of God.

Do it in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon or just before you turn in at night.

It’ll do your soul good.  I promise.



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