13. Come Follow Me

Starting a Journey with Jesus, Day 13  (Matthew 4:18-22)

Jesus invited two sets of brothers, all fishermen, to come and journey with him.  You are invited to continue the journey too.

Walking beside Lake Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers: Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew.  They were throwing their nets into the lake, for their work was fishing.  Jesus said to them, “Follow after me. I’ll make you a fisher of men.”  Right away they left their nets and followed him.

A little ways further he saw another pair of brothers, James and John, Zebedee’s sons.  They were sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, mending their fishnets, and Jesus called them to follow.  They immediately left behind the boat and their father and followed him. (Matthew 4:18-22)


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12. Light in Galilee

Starting a Journey with Jesus, Day 12    (Matthew 4: 12-17)

When the sun has gone down and it is dark and you need lots of light to get your work done, it can be very frustrating.  How you wished for more light!  When the sun comes up, then you will be able to see again.  But can you imagine darkness that lasts years?  decades?  centuries or more?! (more…)

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Prayer is a cry for help

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The heart monitor by the bedside is beeping and keeping rhythm.  It reassures that life is still here, still being lived.

How many surgeries has it been?  Is this the fifth or sixth?  A close relative I know has had over twenty, which I can barely imagine.  And then, one week later, and I’m in another hospital, at another bedside, a completely different set of circumstances but another heart monitor, another intensive care room visit.

The cries go up to God.  “Help, Lord!” “Heal, restore complete health!”  “Please take away the pain!”

It’s clear that we need help.   (more…)

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11. Temptation

Starting a Journey with Jesus, Day 11    (Matthew 4:1-11)

When you travel, you probably have a destination in mind.  Yet even with a destination defined, it is rarely a straight line to get there.  Jesus goes into the desert, which was not exactly a detour, but it isn’t the most direct route that human wisdom would choose for bringing in God’s Kingdom.  What important lesson needs to be learned in the wilderness?  Let’s see… (more…)

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