I love taking trips, especially to new and interesting places. Last year (2013) I took many trips and got to see some amazing things.
One of the best of those trips was a slow reading through Matthew’s gospel. In fact, I read just a few words each day, wrote some reflections on them in my journal, and then I prayed what was on my heart.
This is something I’ve done before over the years, so it wasn’t completely new. I was in a new and unfamiliar place in my life, though. We had just moved to Houston, Texas from Shanghai, China. I didn’t have a job, we were trying to sell our house in another city, and lots of questions hung over our family.
Matthew mentions one of Jesus’ names that came from the book of Isaiah: Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). God certainly was with us, and I’m amazed as I look back over the past year.
The journey I started at the end of July in Shanghai and finished one year ago today in Houston was remarkable. I didn’t know at the time I would be writing a book about it, but one year later it’s now out so that others can take this journey with Jesus that Matthew guides us on.
Are you ready to join me on a journey?