“Prayer is immersion in beauty–God’s beauty. Talking to Him regularly allows us to see His beauty in many places.” Mike Bickle, Growing in Prayer p. 18
I came across this in Mike Bickle’s book and it really struck me. I had to stop, and the truth resonated deeply with me. So much in the Bible that points to beauty is related to God and our relationship with Him and His interaction with the creation.
I also got introduced to a new writer who has much to say about beauty and how it speaks to us of God.
“Wonder at reality demands the humility to sit at the foot of a dandelion. The proud are so full of themselves that there is little room to marvel at anything else.”
Thomas Dubay, author of Prayer Primer: Igniting a Fire Within
“Beauty is necessarily shrouded in mystery–which is part of its splendour.” Thomas Dubay, The Evidential Power of Beauty.
Where have you been captivated by beauty? Have you found yourself hungering for beauty in some way? These are great prayer prompts!
Take time to slow down and really look at something beautiful and to talk to God about it or through it.