A family journeys with Jesus

For the past month our family has been reading and praying together from Journey with Jesus – Book 2 (Matthew 8-13), and we have just finished.  What are some things we have learned as a family on this journey together?

Lessons from a Journey with Jesus (Praying through Matthew’s Gospel)

1.  It is possible for a family to read and pray the Scripture together on a regular basis, but it takes commitment!  Angela and I have to be resolved to see this happen and then follow-through.

2.  Watch your expectations.  Expect a lot of God, and show grace toward the humans!  God will act in some surprising and mighty ways.  At the same times, family devotions can bring out our faults:  laziness, impatience, lack of kindness, and disregard of others, so get ready to show grace and forgiveness toward your family members.

3.  Listen for God’s voice, and keep all channels open.  The questions and insights of family members who are unfamiliar or less familiar with the Scripture can be stimulating.  Even if you have read it before, let God use it to speak afresh to your situation now and to also help you grow deeper in your understanding.

4.  Keep it alive, keep it going.  Talk about the lesson or insight even outside of devotional time.  Make it part of the family conversation.  Practice Deuteronomy 6 which says we should discuss Scripture at all times–when we walk along the road, when we lie down, when we get up, etc.