What I long for

I got back a few days ago from a week of wilderness camping with the family which was refreshing for the body and spirit.

Sunrise_joy_20150814After two disappointments yesterday, I had to choose joy over annoyance.  And then this morning, unexpectedly, I got this:  “In your light I find my strength/In your truth I overcome/In your praise I lose myself/For in your love… (more…)

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Marking the day

Do you mark special days on the calendar?  In our house we do.

August 5 is a special day to me because in 1979 I became a follower of Christ.  The Journey with Jesus took on special significance for me, and I’m eager to share it with others now.

You can start to follow Jesus like people follow others on social media because you are interested or curious.  The more/the longer you follow Jesus, you realize that this man is captivating and also a mystery.  He makes bold, breathtaking claims.  He also heals the sick and exorcises demons.  He forgives the sinful and criticizes the merely religious.   (more…)

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Prayer is wordless wonder

beach wavesWalking along the beach yesterday late in the afternoon I was trying to pray with words and nothing was coming out.

That’s when I experienced this:  Prayer is wordless wonder.

Not always.  And not finally either.  Prayer often involves words–hearing God’s Word, echoing His word, offering up our own words.  That’s a lot of what this site is about afterall.

Yet there are still times when words fail us, but (more…)

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